Council of Canadians

Hamilton Chapter

Welcome to the Hamilton Chapter

The Council of Canadians brings people together through collective action and grassroots organizing to challenge corporate power and advocate for people, the planet, and our democracy. As the Hamilton chapter, we engage in local, provincial, and federal campaigns led by our Chapter, the National CoC campaign teams, and/or ally organizations. Visit our Get Involved page or click on a link below to find out more.

Solar Committee

Pharmacare Now!

Hamilton Transit Matters

Steering Committee

Upcoming Meetings

Our next Monthly Chapter Meeting will be held in August. Sign up for our emails to keep updated on chapter events!

News and Events

May 21, 2024

Watch: Dave Braden discusses his plan for Affordable and Energy Efficient Housing for Hamilton’s Housing Crisis

Dave Braden's construction business builds only energy efficient houses that exceed all industry and government standards. Dave lives in one of the most energy efficient houses in Canada; it makes its own electricity and requires no furnace. His homes have been featured in major Canadian media outlets and have received national press. His current home is among the top energy savers in North America. In agriculture, he has developed a beef cattle operation that is far less dependent on fossil fuel inputs than conventionally raised cattle. Mr. Braden is a problem solver who applies innovative thinking to many of the challenges facing all Canadians.

Click here to watch video